Monday, October 16, 2006

Review: Art Fraud Detective

The Art Fraud Detective by Anna Nilsen. Advanced activity search book, ages 9 and up.

Rating: Four stars out of five

Far from your typical mystery -- this book falls into the "secretly educational" category! The security guard of the Museum of Art needs YOUR help to track down four gangs of infamous national art forgers -- by tracing their path through the Museum of Art. Apparently thirty of the paintings in the gallery have been swiped and replaced by crafty replicas! Your mission: identify the changes in each painting and record what each forger stole to convict them in court. Can you make it?

Not only is the book a great spot-the-difference activity, it also includes short but specific information about the artists that did the classic works of art, such as Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Picasso, and many more. The computer drawn 3-D art makes the book look "high-tech". So why did I give this book 4 stars? I haven't even finished it yet but I'm more than half way through, and just recently I discovered I had just about all my solutions turned upside-down when I thought I was doing so well. Very frustrating. But that's my personal opinion. I think any art lover would greatly enjoy this book. It even comes with a magnifying glass that doubles as a bookmark!

reviewed by Belinda Z., age 12

Note: A younger version of this book would be Mystery, a picture book by Arthur Geisert. If you enjoyed Art Fraud Detective, we would highly recommend Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliet (young adult chapter book, ages 9 and up).

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