Friday, July 21, 2006

Review: Where Did Daddy's Hair Go?

Where Did Daddy's Hair Go? by Joe O'Connor, illustrated by Henry Payne, 2006. Picture book, ages 2-7.

This story is about a little boy named Jeremiah. He doesn't realize his father is bald until he goes to a ball game with his dad and someone calls his dad "Baldy." He searches high and low to help his father find his hair. Finally, Jeremiah and his family go to the beach and see people of all different shapes and sizes and looks. Jeremiah realizes that his dad is great just the way he is.
This book is great for teaching children that it is ok to look different. This is a fun story that has good illustrations.
As a former educator, I believe this story would be excellent in the classroom for pre-K to 2nd or 3rd grade, as well as a warm story for home reading.
reviewed by Darci M., parent

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