Downtown Manitowoc needs YOU. You speak with your dollars and where you choose to spend them. Every single dollar makes a difference to your local independent businesses, every single transaction counts. Most of the shopkeepers and business owners downtown are usually also the ones working behind the register. We care, personally, about your experience in our shop: were we able to help you find what you needed? Did you enjoy your visit? ...Can the big-box stores say that?
Your money stays in town, too. Read this:
We are able to make donations of items and gift cards to various local fundraisers because of your support. We offer a wish list program to benefit local schools.$68 vs. $43 — Local businesses support local economies!
Several recent economic studies have concluded that locally owned independent businesses reinvest far more money in their local communities and economies than chain stores do.
One study* determined that for every $100 spent in their stores, local businesses give back $68 to their local economy. By contrast, for every $100 spent in national chains, those companies return only $43, meaning that those chain stores take away $57 from that same local economy.
Patronize your local businesses. Good sense for you, good cents for your local economy! * The Andersonville Study by the Civic Economics group can be read online at:
More independent businesses means a wider selection of products than the big chain stores. What kinds of shops would you like to see in downtown Manitowoc? What does downtown Manitowoc need to do? Let us know! The mom & pops need YOU to flourish- if no one shops downtown, there won't BE a downtown.
Pretend you are a tourist for a day- go into those shops you've been meaning to stop into but haven't yet. You will be surprised at what you find. Before you order something online, can a local shop order it for you?
Make a difference with your dollars! Support your local independent businesses!
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